Exercise helps promote hair growth. Sounds great!  Right?  Yes, there are several exercises that promote a healthy hair growth cycle with absolutely zero side effects including the facial and scalp muscle exercises. These exercises not only help your body but also have a positive effect on your hair because they increase blood flow to your scalp and promote hair regrowth. In this article, we will discuss top six exercises for hair growth which can actually delay or prevent the onset of baldness both in men and women. 

Let us start these exercises one by one. We will also show you which combination of exercises will work best for you and which exercises or combinations you can choose including the facial and scalp muscle exercises.  

There are two methods of this exercise:

a). Lie down on the edge of the bed with your head hanging down. Stay in this position for 4 to 5 minutes. Perform this at least twice a day. Gravity plays a role in this exercise and increases blood flow into the scalp and hair follicles.

b). Headstand / Handstand position – This is the famous yoga pose called Sirsasana, the headstand yoga pose. This pose needs a little practice to learn. You can also use the support of a wall to perform this exercise once daily. But initially you should start to stay in this pose for 1 minute and then gradually increase the duration. This is the most powerful exercise that increases blood flow to the scalp and even washes out harmful toxins and hormones like DHT which are responsible for male or female pattern baldness.
Avoid the inversion method if: You have underlying conditions like blood pressure, heart disease, spinal injury, vertigo, and hernia or You are pregnant.


Stand straight with your hands relaxed on the sides. Now, slowly bend your head forward and bring it back, extending it as much as possible. Bend your head sideways, stretching on each side for at least 10 seconds.
Stretching your neck muscles releases the tension and stress in the neck and scalp muscles. Following this neck exercise for twice a day for at least 5 to 10 minutes can improve blood circulation which, in turn, boosts hair growth.


Head or scalp massage is an ancient practice that involves performing rhythmic movements on acupressure points to relieve a number of issues like stress, headaches, greying of hair, and baldness. This promotes hair regrowth by improving the blood circulation in the scalp and opening the pores on your scalp to provide the essential nutrients to the hair follicles.
You can use any oil like warm coconut oil to massage.

  • Apply the warm oil to your scalp with your fingertips.
  • Massage your scalp with your fingers in a circular motion and distribute the oil all over the scalp.
  • Gradually increase the intensity of the massage to improve blood flow in the scalp.
  • For acupressure type massage, use your fingertips pointing upwards, and then massage your scalp, with slow and circular movements.


Any form of deep breathing exercise including the famous Kapalbhati yoga technique will helpsupplyoxygen to rejuvenate damaged hair and promotes new hair growth.

  • Sit on a flat surface with your back straight.
  • Take a deep breath and pull your stomach inwards as much as possible when you are taking a breath.
  • Then, exhale. You can exhale with one nostril at a time but this is optional.
  • Keep the exhalation brief and the inhalation longer.
  • Perform this breathing exercise 15 to 20 times at least twice a day.


Cardio exercises, like jogging, not only keeps your body fit, but also allows you to sweat out the harmful toxins from your body. This opens the pores on the scalp and helps unclog hair follicles, promoting a healthy hair growth. Try jogging for at least half an hour every day to get healthy hair and stay fit.

6. FACIAL EXERCISES to promote Hair regrowth and prevent baldness. These are very important exercises that can actually reverse hair loss in early stages. We will discuss these facial exercises in our next article.


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