Vitamin D deficiency Hidden in most of us – Easy Treatment Steps

Most people ignore this cause of hairloss, pains, depression, digestive upset and vertigo and suffer from poor quality of life. This easy DIY approach to diagnose a common cause for certain common signs and symptoms like hair loss or hair thinning, muscle pains, digestive upset, depression, back ache and many others health problems which can be due to vitamin D deficiency in your body. If neglected, in the long run, this can be life threatening. We will show you an easy DIY approach to diagnose this common problem of vitamin D deficiency, particularly in adults.

Lets Start with our  Approach:

Age Sex Race Risk factors signs and symptoms, diagnosis, investigations, treatment and the take home message finally.

Starting with the Age Sex and Race

– According to many studies and researches, this vitamin D deficiency is more prevalent in the 40 to 60 year old age groups.
– Male population is more affected than females.
– Over 80 percent African-Americans are Vitamin D deficient, 40 to 45 percent of adults in the US, 70 percent in Hispanics and in Indians.

Lets learn about Risk Factors: If you have one or more of these, then you must be double cautious about this problem.
–  Staying indoors or always using sunscreen when going out.
– Pure Vegetarians (specially those who do not eat diary products, meat fish,etc)
– People Having dark skin (synthesis of Vitamin D from sunlight reduced).
– Being elderly
– Being overweight or obese.
– Recent Major surgery.
– Living far from the equator where there is little sun year-round.

Signs and Symptoms: If you have one or more of these signs and symptoms, then follow the advice given towards the end of this video.
– Falling Sick or Getting Infected Frequently (this is due to weaking of your immune system due to Vitamin D deficiency).
– Feeling of Tiredness and inability to perform routine day to day activities.
– Frequent Muscle Pains, Back pain specially lowet back pain, Headaches.
– Depression, mood swings, irritable bowel and feeling of passing motions frequently and anxiety.
– Impaired Wound healing and Bone loss (because Vitamin D is required for Calcium absorption) – This can make you more prone to fractures with simple imjuries.
– Alopecia – that’s Hair Loss which is often attributed to stress and nutritional deficiencies. Hair loss can be in the form of hair thinning or even female pattern baldness or alopecia aerate.
– Dizziness or vertigo is another common symptom of severe vitamin D deficiency.

Now the Investigations required for final diagnosis:

If you think you have these matching symptoms, you need to confirm the diagnosis. You can consult with your doctor and get your Vitamin D blood levels measured.

0-20 ng/ml – deficient , 21 to 30ng/ml – Insufficiency and normal range is generally Above 60ng/ml.

Now the Treatement Part: Watch Video.

Now Finally the Take Home Message:
Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common and most people are unaware of it. And Fortunately Fixing your deficiency is simple, easy and can have big benefits for your health.


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