Is it Possible to Regrow Lost Hair?

There are tons of misconceptions in the world of hair care! Every guy is at risk of losing his hair, some more quickly than others. In Today’s episode we will reveal the true facts and answer the most frequently asked question: Is it Possible to regrow Lost Hair?

Well, To understand the situation, you need to know some basics like How your hair grows from your hair follicle or hair root and also Temporary hair loss and permanent hair loss.

So, let’s quickly understand the structure of hair follicle or hair root in most simplified way. You can imagine the hair follicle as a vase and the hair as the stem of a flower.  As you can see in this illustration, the hair follicle is underneath the skin and has its own blood supply which supplies nutrients and minerals for hair growth. The hair that grows above the skin surface is a dead structure made of a collagen tissue called keratin.

Having said that, now let’s classify hair loss. Hair loss can be either Temporary or Permanent. Temporary hair loss can be due to many factors like Stress, Nutritional deficiencies, certain medications like the anti-cancer drugs and stuff like that!  Whereas, the Permanent hair loss is the Male Pattern Baldness or Andro-genetic Alopecia.

Now, Let’s answer the question: Is it possible to regrow lost hair?

Well, in the first scenario, that’s Temporary baldness due to stress and nutritional factors, the Answer is a Big YES! Once the cause of hair loss is withdrawn or rectified, your hair grows back to normal most of the times!

Whereas, in the second scenario, that’s Permanent Baldness or Male pattern hair loss, the Answer is YES as well as a NO! Let me explain this further.

You must know the process of Miniaturization of Hair follicle. Miniaturization simply means shrinking of the hair follicle. This is due the action of a male hormone called DHT – Dihydrotestosterone which is formed from Testosterone by the enzyme 5-Alpha Reductase. This DHT hormone acts on the hair follicles and persistent action of this DHT on hair follicles causes a gradual shrinking or weakening of the hair follicle. Remember! It’s a gradual process which ultimately kills the hair follicle which no longer produces any hair.

Now Let’s again go back to our Question in this scenario of permanent hair loss.
Is it possible to regrow lost hair?

Well, If your hair loss is recent with a family history of baldness, then probably your hair follicle is still in miniaturized state and not completely dead. The sooner you start the treatment, chances are more likely that you can convert the miniaturized follicle back to a healthy follicle and again remember it’s a gradual process. You need to have full patience with regular treatment.  We will discuss the treatment part in the end.

Now, what if you have this bald patch or frontal hair line recession which is more than a year old? Well, in this case, it’s unlikely to grow back your lost hair. The only solution or treatment for this is Hair Transplantation. We have discussed in detail about hair transplantation.

Well, Now the treatment part for recent onset male pattern baldness. The only way to treat this baldness is to block or reduce the DHT levels in blood and increase blood circulation for proper nutrient supply to bring back the miniaturized or shrunken hair follicles back to normal.

We have discussed in detail about the stage-wise treatment of male pattern baldness.

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