Latest News: Deadly Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic with Treatment & Prevention

Here’s a look at every important point, you need to know about the new deadly Chinese coronavirus. This newly identified coronavirus has been spreading in China, and has now reached several other countries.

  1. Where did the Virus Come From?

Since the virus first popped up in Wuhan, China, in people who had visited a local seafood and animal market and the scientists say they originated from two kinds of snakes, the many-banded krait and the Chinese cobra.


  1. Can the virus spread from one person to another?

Yes! Coronavirus can spread between an infected person and others via:

  • the air (from viral particles from a cough or sneeze);
  • close person to person contact (touching or shaking hands);
  • through an object or surface with viral particles on it (then touching your mouth, nose or eyes); and
  • rarely from fecal contamination.


  1. How would this virus cause a pandemic?
    To become a pandemic, it needs to do three things: efficiently infect humans, replicate in humans and then spread easily among humans. But according to sources, Right now, this virus is spreading between humans in a limited manner, but they are still investigating.


  1. What are the symptoms of the new coronavirus?
    The main symptoms of the new coronavirus include fever, cough and difficulty breathing.  Despite sharing some symptoms that were similar to SARS virus, there are some important differences, such as the absence of upper respiratory tract symptoms like runny nose, sneezing and sore throat and intestinal symptoms like diarrhea.


  1. What is the Treatment for this Coronavirus Infection?
    There are no specific treatments for coronavirus infections and most people will recover on their own. So treatment involves rest and medication to relieve symptoms. If you are mildly sick, you should drink a lot of fluids and rest but if you are worried about your symptoms, you should see a healthcare provider, especially children, the elderly and the immunocompromised. Moreover, There is no vaccine for the new coronavirus but researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health confirmed they were in preliminary stages of developing one.


  1. How to Prevent the spread of the coronavirus?
    The Chinese government has stopped most of the travel to and from Wuhan as well as 12 other nearby cities, according to The New York Times. This “lockdown” affects about 35 million people, the Times reported.


  1. How can people protect themselves and others?
    You should avoid contact with sick people, avoid dead or alive animals, animal markets or products that come from animals such as uncooked meat. You should often wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Other steps to follow are: wearing a face mask, covering your coughs and sneezes and washing your hands.


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