Scalp and facial muscle exercises can certainly reduce hair loss. They are natural, holistic ways with zero side effects to stop hair fall and also helps in treating receding hair line.  Performing these exercises daily once or twice can certainly help you fight hair loss and can even regrow your lost hair. Moreover, these exercises do not require any expensive gadgets or doctor visits. These simple exercises can help fight hair loss by relaxing your scalp and also increasing the blood flow into the scalp which washes out any accumulated DHT hormone at your hair follicles. Hence, these work very well in preventing both female and male pattern baldness which is caused by the DHT hormone.

These really work if practiced with patience and determination for longer periods of time. You will certainly notice some change after about 3 months.


Before starting these face and scalp exercises for hair growth, you must know a bit about the scalp and facial muscles that come into action in these exercises.  This is the Frontalis muscle and exercises of this muscle can help in preventing receding hair line and baldness over the front of the scalp. This is the Temporalis muscle, acting over the sides of the scalp.  This is the Occipitalis muscle. This is actually a single muscles called Occipito-frontalis which is connected to Frontalis by an aponeurotic tissue.

Scalp laxity exercises can help reduce hair loss by relaxing your scalp and also increasing the blood flow into the scalp. These exercises are actually proven to be successful at relaxing the scalp and increasing its laxity. So, they are even recommended for hair transplant surgery preparation.

Sit upright in a firm chair. Lift your arms while opening your hands. Place your hands first onto the front portion of your scalp. Clasp your fingers together. Do not touch your thumbs together. Slowly start moving your scalp up and down. With every upward pull of the scalp, hold on for few seconds and then release. Do not move your fingers. Keep moving your scalp to and fro with few second pauses and do this 20 times. Remove your hands. Relax for a few minutes and then repeat this exercise 10 times, twice in a day.


Now for the back portion, place your hands onto the back of your scalp. Clasp your fingers together. Slowly start moving your scalp up and down with a pause, like how we performed earlier. Do this about 20 times. Then, Remove your hands and relax for a few minutes and then repeat this exercise 10 times, twice in a day.


Sit upright in a firm chair. Place your hands onto the sides of your head. Each palm will be above the same side ear. Straighten your fingers, but do not clasp them together. Slowly start moving your scalp up and down. Do not move your fingers. Move your scalp to and fro with a pause of few seconds as we did earlier and do it for about 20 times. Remove your hands. Relax for few minutes and then repeat this exercise 10 times, twice in a day.


This is an easy, hands-free exercise of frontalis muscle, to treat receding hairline.  You just have to raise your eyebrows as high as possible and do this continuously for atleast 5 to 10 minutes multiple times in a day. This exercise contracts and relaxes the frontalis muscle on your forehead. This can be easily performed anytime anywhere, even in your work place. This increases the blood flow in the frontal portion of the scalp and helps to treat or prevent receding hair line in both male and female pattern baldness.

Lastly, There are other exercises like inversion exercise, neck exercise, head massage and breathing exercises for hair fall. We have discussed and demonstrated these in our previous post on exercises for hair loss treatment.

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